
Fion     10:43, Apr 25,2005  修改

你地個bb好可愛呀, 我個女細佢14日, 我覺得你 bb四個月d相好(老即), 都唔似四個月, 同埋你 bb d 頭髮長得好好呀, 我個女出生時好多頭髮, 但係依家好少同埋好梳.

I really wish my baby can have so much hair as your baby.


Cherri 出生時已不像初生嬰兒了,樣子很成熟呢!健康院的姑娘還稱她老人精。



Heko     ICQICQ  MSN  19:36, Apr 25,2005  修改

Cherri, 你好鬼得意喎! 感覺佢係一個性格演員, 影相cool cool 的, 同偉仔襯晒啦, ^^

記得比鍚到你濃既爸爸媽媽影多些靚相比大家睇呀! ^^

有機會等哥哥探下你啦! 記得做個開心快樂的小朋友! 最重要健健康康呀!!


Heko, 乜你咁睇得起 Cherri 呀?不如你考慮下做佢經理人啦!

我有空必定會替她拍多些照片給大家看,希望她拍照時不要太 Cool 啦!要笑得開心燦爛才有童真嘛!


Siu Heng   網站  ICQICQ  0:15, Apr 30,2005  修改

Cherri, 你有這樣疼你的爸爸媽媽, 是多麼幸福啊!
願你快快樂樂, 健健康康地成長!



Ivy   9:19, May 25,2005  修改

Dear Kevin & Noel,

Congrats! Your little Cherri is so adorable! and Kevin, what a great site this is!!!!



Dear Ivy,
Thanks for your visit, Please keep track this site for Cherri's news.

Irene舅母 & 哥哥舅父     23:54, Jun 25,2005  修改

Dear Cherri,


(backgroup 張沙灘巾好靚呀!^o^)

回覆這個夏天我只去了一次沙灘及一次泳池 ,但還是有點怕水呢!希望來年夏天可以去多幾次及不再怕水啦!

Yau Yau     網站  22:24, Jul 12,2005  修改


You are so lucky for having such a wonderful website.  I think it is designed by your father, right?  Tell you a little secret, my mother is also a IT guy.  But I think she never knows how to build a web site for me.


Yau Yau,

My father wrote this web site, but actually, I don't really understand what all it is about.  Your mother is an IT person? Same as my father! Maybe they can have a chat sometime!

Anyway, I think the most important is to keep ourselves pretty and cute so we can attract the bb boys. Yau Yau, you are already the star of 0412 bb. You must teach me how to entry 星B大道 ah~

Lausann   12:03, Aug 20,2005  修改

hI Babe,

You are growing so fast and beautiful, yeah, and cute off course !!!!  Want to see more pics from you in the future.  Be good and healthy !!!!

回覆Thanks Lausann, I want my daddy help me take more pretty pictures in the future too. I'd like to share all my happiness to you all.

Uncle Philip     22:25, Oct 11,2005  修改

Little Cherri,

You must eat more food. You are still so thin ah!


Dear Uncle Philip,

Yes, what a pity I am so little and tend to thin. Luckily, I am still good develope and clever enough.  Don't be too worry about me.

Chu Sir   8:53, Nov 12,2005  修改
祝 Cherri 爸爸今日生日快樂!!

謝謝朱Sir, 更加謝謝你為爸爸按排的生日晩宴,我們一家都食得和玩得好開心呀!

EC   9:25, Nov 18,2005  修改

I happened to find your website from BK.   That's such a great website!  I can see how much you love your girl Cherri from the website.  It's filled with love.  Cherri is proud to have you as mammy & daddy!  Wish little Cherri healthy, happy and beautiful!


Hi EC, thanks for your visit and wishes.
I think every have parents' kid is bliss during the parents' look after and fill full with love, because all parents are love their kid a lot. That's why you did a great job for your son's website too.

Wish Ho Lam healthy and happy everyday too!

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